Temos o prazer de anunciar o SiMN 2023 - a 6ª edição do Simpósio Internacional de Música Nova - organizado pelo grupo de pesquisa Núcleo Música Nova da Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Brasil). Para a edição deste ano, o SiMN acontecerá em dois momentos: uma sessão on-line de 30 de outubro a 01 de novembro (comunicações orais e mesas-redondas) e uma sessão presencial (concertos e workshops) de 07 a 10 de novembro, na cidade de Curitiba, Paraná.  O SiMN é um evento bienal realizado em Curitiba, Brasil, que tem como objetivo difundir e refletir sobre a música contemporânea e as práticas de arte sonora. Fazemos parte de uma universidade pública brasileira sem fins lucrativos, assim como o nosso evento que, desde o seu início em 2012, oferece participação gratuita a todas as pesquisas e apresentações musicais. Sem taxas. Sem restrição de idade. Tudo gratuito e aberto ao público. Nosso objetivo é incentivar o intercâmbio artístico e de pesquisa entre as áreas de composição, música eletroacústica, arte sonora e música experimental, e entre pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo, com ênfase na América Latina. Acesse nosso Linktree para acessar todas as chamadas, inscrições e formulários. 

We are happy to announce the SiMN 2023 - the 6th edition of the International Symposium of New Music - organized by the research group Núcleo Música Nova of the State University of Paraná (Brazil). For this year's edition, SiMN will happen in two moments: an online session from October 30 to November 01 (oral communications and round-tables) and an in-person session (concerts and workshops) from November 07 to November 10, in the city of Curitiba, Paraná.  The SiMN is a biennial event held at Curitiba, Brazil, which aims to spread and to reflect about contemporary music and sound art practices. We are part of a non-for-profit Brazilian public university, and so is our event that since its beginning in 2012 offered free attendance to all research and music presentations. No fees. No age restriction. All free and open to the public. We aim to encourage artistic and research exchanges among the fields of composition, electroacoustic music, sound art, and experimental music, and between people from different parts of the world, with an emphasis in Latin America. Please access our Linktree to reach all calls, applications and forms


Paper Session #1

Paper Session #2

Paper Session #3

Paper Session #4

Paper Session #5

Paper Session #6

Album “Sonic Alchemy

In a world brimming with a rich tapestry of musical endeavors, each woven with threads of diverse compositional practices, all intricately interwoven with the tapestry of technology, we are thrilled to unveil “Sonic Alchemy”. This album seeks to reflect on the enigmatic question that resonates today: “How has technology reshaped the very language of music in the 21st century?”

“Sonic Alchemy” is a canvas featuring 10 artists – from Austria, Brazil, China, and Italy – upon which we paint a vivid reflection of the symbiotic relationship between artistry and technology. Here, we invite you to delve into the complex tapestry of sound, to engage your senses, provoke your thoughts, and inspire your curiosity, as we dive headfirst into the boundless, ever-shifting universe of sound and technology.

Visual Artist (Cover): “WOW” by Emerson Persona (2008. Oil on canvas. 120cm X 80cm)


Anna Koch
Bass Clarinet

Daniel Vargas
Electric Guitar


The SiMN 2023 will be held in two sections | O SiMN 2023 será realizado em duas seções:


From October 30 to November 1, 2023. Streaming on YouTube: paper sessions; round-tables; keynote presentations.


From November 7 to November 10, 2023. For this section activities are: concerts; workshops. This section will be held at the Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Curitiba, Brazil):

Address: Rua Saldanha Marinho, 131 - Centro, Curitiba - PR, Brazil. CEP: 80410-150.


Please access our Google Drive to reach all calls, applications and forms.

Acesse nosso Google Drive para acessar todas as chamadas, inscrições e formulários.


June 15, 2023
Submissions for all categories.

August 31, 2023
Result notification.

September 10, 2023
Confirm attendance and/or participation.

October 10, 2023
Submission of material for presentation (paper session): “camera-ready” video and corrected expanded abstract (if applicable).

October 30, 2023
SiMN 2023 (online session): video camera-ready + online participation. Publication of abstracts in the event's proceedings.

November 7-8-9-10, 2023
SiMN 2023 (in person / local session)

February 25, 2024
Submission of finished article for evaluation at Música Hodie Journal (optional).

May 01, 2024
Result of articles approved in Música Hodie Journal (optional) and subsequent publication.


Schedule for SiMN 2023


Aware of the plurality of works that make use of diverse compositional practices with technological support, we present this call for paper, artistic works, and workshop that seeks to answer the following problem: « How has technology affected musical language in the 21st century? ». We propose a reflection on the impact of technology on artistic creation and musical language as a whole: characteristics, state of the art, what has changed, and how we expect future developments. We encourage proposals directly related to artistic practices and that dialogue, preferably, with conceptions of artistic research.

[1] Paper session

We are accepting abstracts (complete paper publication is possible) for the following categories (but are not limited to):

- Acousmatic, Fixed-Media, Digital Concrete Music today;
- Algorithmic or generative art/music;
- Approaches on Artificial Intelligence;
- Artistic Research and music technology: experience report, strategies, portfolio etc.;
- Audience Participation and Happenings;
- Audiovisual Works;
- Composing with analog technologies: synthesizers, tape recorders etc.;
- Computer Language-Based: Pure Data, Live, Max, SuperCollider, CSound, ChucK etc.;
- Computer-aided Composition (CAC);
- Improvisation and Technology;
- Instrument building and Open-Source Hardware;
- Interfaces: Arduino, Max RNBO, PlugData, Robotics etc.;
- Laptop Orchestra;
- Live Coding;
- Live Electronics, Instrument(s) + Electronics, Ensemble + Electronics;
- Multimedia performances: video, dance, theater, games, webaudio etc.;
- Music Education: academic curricula and teaching perspectives in music and technology;
- Musical Analysis: perspectives, tools, and methodologies;
- Patching concepts and Modular systems;
- Performance-based, Interactive, and Multimedia Installations;
- Preserving and obsolescence in electronic music;
- Software implementation for artwork;
- Sound Art and Media Arts;
- Soundscape Art, Acoustic Ecology, Noisescapes;
- Spatial Music;
- Telematic and networked performance;
- General topics on: composition, performance, aesthetics, computer music, sound synthesis,  history etc.


June 15, 2023
Submission of expanded abstracts and personal data.

August 31, 2023
Result with approved proposals.

October 10, 2023
Submission of material for presentation: “camera-ready” video and corrected expanded abstract (if applicable).
           Expanded Abstract: Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5. Include: Title, Expanded abstract text (maximum 750 words – text only) and up to 5 keywords. Accepted languages: Portuguese (with translation into English) or English only. 

October 30, 2023
Beginning of SiMN 2023: video camera-ready + online participation; Publication of abstracts in the annals of the event.

February 01, 2024
Submission of finished article for evaluation at Música Hodie Journal (optional).

May 01, 2024
Result of articles approved in Música Hodie Journal (optional) and subsequent publication.

[2] Artistic Works

We are accepting artistic works for the following categories:

[1] Acousmatic / Tape (fixed-media);
[2] Live-Electronics;
[3] Electronic work with video;
[4] Multimedia performances (dance, theater etc.);
[5] Ensemble Móbile: any combination (1 player each) between flute (piccolo, C, alto, bass), saxophone (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone), classical guitar, cello, percussion (Drum mini set – snare drum, hi-hat and bass drum – Pandeiro, Caxixis, Cowbells, Bongos, Congas, Claves), and electronics.
[6] Nih-Nik percussion ensemble + electronics: portable instrumental setups (up to 3 players) with small / portable instruments such as: afoxé, agogô, whistle, berimbau, bongo, castanets, caxixi, clapping, cymbal, claves, cowbell, egg shaker, flexatone, gong (small), guero (reco-reco), repinique, hi-hat, maraca, pandeiro, rainstick, singing bowl, tamborim, talking drum, triangle, woodblock, and objects in general (wine bottle, toys etc.). Available electronics: microphones, audio interface (PD, Max…), stereo loudspeakers.
[7] Sound Art (Artistic proposals focused on sound and sound experience, in modalities such as: performance, installation, sound sculpture, intervention, audiovisual works among others).

For categories 1-6, please follow these criteria:

- Duration: maximum 10 minutes;
- Sound Diffusion: up to 6-channels / loudspeakers (can also be stereo, quadra etc.)
- We accept proposals for full concerts (40 minutes).

[3] Workshop proposals

We are accepting workshop proposals according the following specifications:

- Duration of workshops: 90 minutes, in person.
- Language of instruction: Portuguese or English.
- Equipment Room #1: video projector, Genelec 8040 stereo monitors, MOTU 896mkIII, Eurorack synthesizers*, Korg Digital Piano, SoundProof Booth.
- Equipment Room #2: video projector, JBL 308P MKII stereo monitors, Yamaha MG12XUK.
- Microphones: a selection of condenser and dynamic microphones will be available for use in both rooms.

* Behringer 2600, Behringer K2, EMW-200, Ratton MIDI4CV.

Categories include, but are not limited to:

- Acousmatic, Fixed-Media, Digital Concrete Music today;
- Algorithmic or generative art/music;
- Approaches on Artificial Intelligence;
- Artistic Research and music technology: experience report, strategies, portfolio etc.;
- Audience Participation and Happenings;
- Audiovisual Works;
- Composing with analog technologies: synthesizers, tape recorders etc.;
- Computer Language-Based: Pure Data, Live, Max, SuperCollider, CSound, ChucK etc.;
- Computer-aided Composition (CAC);
- Improvisation and Technology;
- Instrument building and Open-Source Hardware;
- Interfaces: Arduino, Max RNBO, PlugData, Robotics etc.;
- Laptop Orchestra;
- Live Coding;
- Live Electronics, Instrument(s) + Electronics, Ensemble + Electronics;
- Multimedia performances: video, dance, theater, games, webaudio etc.;
- Music Education: academic curricula and teaching perspectives in music and technology;
- Musical Analysis: perspectives, tools, and methodologies;
- Patching concepts and Modular systems;
- Performance-based, Interactive, and Multimedia Installations;
- Preserving and obsolescence in electronic music;
- Software implementation for artwork;
- Sound Art and Media Arts;
- Soundscape Art, Acoustic Ecology, Noisescapes;
- Spatial Music;
- Telematic and networked performance;
- General topics on: composition, performance, aesthetics, computer music, sound synthesis,  history etc.

[4] Electroacoustic works for “CD Núcleo Música Nova”

We are accepting electroacoustic works within the following thematic: How has technology affected musical language in the 21st century? Selected works will  be part of the fourth album by Núcleo Música Nova.


- Duration: 10 minutes maximum;
- Quality: 48 kHz/ 24 bit;
- CD version: binaural stereo wav or aiff;
- Concert version: quadriphonic wav or aiff;

This call is gently supported by CNPq Universal.


Directors | Direção
Dr. Felipe de Almeida Ribeiro (Universidade Estadual do Paraná – Brazil)
Dr. Ricardo Thomasi (Universidade Estadual de Londrina – Brazil)

Artistic Committee | Comissão Artística
Dr. Ana Maria Romano (Universidad El Bosque – Colombia)
Dr. Cesare Saldicco (Conservatorio di Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” – Itlay)
Mr. Cort Lippe (State University of New York at Buffalo – USA)
Dr. Clayton Mamedes (Universidade Federal do Paraná – Brazil)
Dr. Daniel Puig (Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia – Brazil)
Dr. Didier Guigue (Universidade Federal da Paraíba – Brazil)
Dr. Iracema de Andrade (Escuela Superior de Música, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura – Mexico)
Dr. Márcio Steuernagel (Orquestra Filarmônica da UFPR – Brazil)
Dr. Pauxy Gentil-Nunes (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Brazil)
Dr. Rael Gimenes Toffolo (Universidade Estadual de Maringá – Brazil)
Dr. Rodolfo Coelho de Souza (Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil)
Dr. Silvio Ferraz (Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil)
Dr. William Teixeira (Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul – Brazil)

Scientific Committee | Comissão Científica
Dr. Alexandre Torres Porres (Brazil)
Dr. Anselmo Guerra (Universidade Federal de Goiás – Brazil)
Dr. Arthur Rinaldi (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Brazil)
Dr. Bibiana Bragagnolo (Universidade Federal do Matro Grosso – Brazil)
Dr. Fabio Parra Furlanete (Universidade Estadual de Londrina – Brazil)
Dr. Fernando Iazzetta (Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil)
Dr. Flora Holderbaum (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Brazil)
Dr. Francisco Colasanto (Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad Morelia – Mexico)
Dr. Ivan Eiji Simurra (Universidade Federal do Acre – Brazil)
Dr. Jean-François Charles (University of Iowa – USA)
Dr. Leah Reid (University of Virginia – USA)
Dr. Luigi Irlandini (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Brazil)
Dr. Marcus Alessi Bittencourt (Universidade Estadual de Maringá – Brazil)
Dr. Marta Castello Branco (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – Brazil)
Dr. Paulo Rios Filho (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Brazil)
Dr. Regis Rossi Alves Faria (Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil)
Dr. Sergio Freire Garcia (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Brazil)

Support Committee | Comissão de Apoio
Dr. Flora Ferreira Holderbaum (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Brazil)
Dr. Jaime Daniel Rojas Vargas (Universidade Federal do Paraná – Brazil)
M.Mus. Antonio Spoladore Hurtado (SESC Paço da Liberdade – Brazil)
M.Mus. Charles K. Neimog (Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil)
M.Mus. Fernando Hiroki Kozu (Universidade Federal do Paraná – Brazil)
M.Mus. Juan Martinez Alvarez (Universidade Federal do Paraná – Brazil)
M.Mus. Sérgio Monteiro Freire (Universidade Federal do Paraná – Brazil)
Daniel Ferreira da Silva (Universidade Estadual do Paraná – Brazil)
Fabio Cadore (Universidade Estadual do Paraná – Brazil)
Lucas Mateus Silva (Universidade Estadual do Paraná – Brazil)
Vitor Piratelo (LaMuSA – Universidade Estadual do Paraná – Brazil)



